Friday, May 21, 2021


List of links for our research

- In this website, you will find information about the movie: plot, characters, soundtrack, awards, technical issues related to the movie - "Pride" in IMDb:   

- Journal that goes in-depth about the miners' strike - London and the 1984-5 miners' strike

- Article from the British Library that gives detail about the history of LGBT rights in the UK - LGBTQ history and rights in the UK

- Link to a lecture hosted by Jonathan Blake, an original member of LGSM - JonathanBlake lecture


- An article that revisits the reasons behind Thatcher's decision to close the mines Thacher against the miners

- The Observer's article about London's Pride Parade of 1985 and the film Pride- The Guardian 

'Pride' (2014), the movie

Hi! I'm Andrea and in this post, I'm going to talk about the adaptation of the LGSM story, the story of how a group of LGBT activists helps and supports a mining village during the Miners' Strike in 1984-85 has been made a film version for a film called Pride. The film, directed by Matthew Warchus is starred by actors and actresses of renowned Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, and Andrew Scott among others. The film, through a perspective that combines comedy and drama, follows the story of this collaboration with its ups and downs. 



As a historical film, the characters that appeared should be logically based on the real people behind the movement – Mark Ashton, Mike Jackson, Gethin Roberts, Reggie Blennerhassett, etc. – as well as the villagers – Dai Donovan, Siân James, etc. – involved in the story. The presence of the real members of the LGSM provides the film with more realism and the ability to connect with these activists, their concerns, and what they are fighting for.  

Nevertheless, in the film, there's a character who was not originally part of LGSM. Joe "Bromley" Cooper is a closeted 20-year-old boy part of a family whose ideas towards sexuality are rather conservative. Despite this, Joe secretly attends the London Parade Pride in 1984, where he meets a group of activists who will eventually create and be part of the Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners group or LGSM. But Joe Cooper, who has been presented as one of the protagonists, is a fictional character. His presence allows the audience to reflect themselves into him as well as being part of the film and, in turn, the story. It also makes the audience empathizes deeper with this young boy who could be anyone, any of us. Joe's character works as an audience surrogate.

The soundtrack is also a key point within the film. As a historical film, the soundtrack has to be accurate regarding the period set and accompanied the scenes and, in this case, reinforce the social message of the film. Pride does it quite well, mixing funny and glee songs such as "Shame Shame Shame" or "You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)" with more activist ones such as "Solidarity Forever" or "There Is Power in a Union".

The film was released at the Cannes Festival in 2014 where it won the Queer Palm. Among other accolades, there're several national and European awards – the BAFTA Film Awards for Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer, and the British Independent Film Awards for Best British Independent Film, Best Supporting Actress (Imelda Staunton), Best Supporting Actor (Andrew Scott) and Best Director (Matthew Warchus). It was also nominated for a Golden Globe as Best Motion Picture in the category of Comedy or Musical. 

Definitely, Pride is a moving film that is worth watching, a good way to learn history while spending a nice time.

If you want to know more about the film, just check our dynamic presentation here

- Andrea Echevarría 🍃

Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners! (1984-1985)


Hello, everyone! It's so great to have you here!   

This is Abril. Here you can read about the LGSM, hope you enjoy it! 😄


Because of Thatcher’s free-market policies, a great number of coal mines all over the UK were closed. Many coal mining communities organized strikes against this, enduring police brutality and social discrimination.


Some members of the LGBT from London, seeing as the miners were as mistreated as them, decided to create a support group to help them. This organization was called LGSM (“Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners”). No, "L" doesn't stand for London and "S" does not mean Sagittaurus.



The LGSM was founded in London in July the 30th, 1984 by Mark Ashton and Mike Jackson. Their aim was to raise funds to support the miners that participated in the strikes against Thatcher to feed their families.

 The main members of this group were: Mark Ashton (1960 - 1987), its co-founder, a member of the LGSM switchboard and activist of the LGBT rights, Mike Jackson, its co-founder and LGBT activist, and Jonathan Blake, an LGBT activist and one of the first British people to be diagnosed in the 1980s with HIV (he is still alive, no worries).


Despite their good intentions, not many joined the LGSM and many people were not in favour of supporting a cause led by what they considered as “pervs”. Because of this, the LGSM decided to support a particularly stricken Welsh mining village: Onllwyn. David "Dai" Donovan (God bless his Gaelic soul), one of the members of the Onllwyn miner community, became the intermediary between these and the LGSM.

Some of the most conservative (and homophobic, let's be honest) members of the Onllwyn miner support group reported LGSM to the media, afraid of the impact that the support by LGBT members would have on their community. They mocked the LGSM and the Welsh miners by labelling them as “pits and perverts”. Instead of putting an end to the group, they organised took their slurs and, as Tyrion Lannisters once said, "used them like and armour". They organized the “Pits and Perverts” fundraiser. This was a concert the 10th of December 1984, with music groups such as Bronski Beat.

 With this, the LGSM raised £5,650 to support the miners. Despite this, the National Union of Miners (NUM) decided to refuse the LGSM help, which led to many of its members, including Ashton, abandoning the group.

 Gethin Roberts, the owner of the bookshop “Gays the World” where the LGSM meetings took place, attempted to lead a protest on his own but was assaulted and hospitalized. Later on, on March 3rd, Thatcher forced the miners to stop the strike (what a surprise, Maggie).


However, in appreciation for their help during the 1984-85 strike, some South Wales mining communities joined the LGBT in London's Pride parade in 1985 to show their gratitude towards the LGSM. Mark Ashton unfortunately died of pneumonia on 11th February 1987.


And now Andrea will tell you a bit more about this amazing deed!

- Abril González 👑

Know your history!

We all know how it ended, but how did it start?  

In 1984 Margaret Thatcher was UK's Prime Minister and she was a stubborn lady.  

As mining became less and less profitable, Thatcher's government decided that the best way to cut losses was to close 20 mines in Wales and Northern Ireland. This was also a clever ploy to undermine (get it?) the NUM, also known as the National Union of Mineworkers, one of the strongest and oldest unions in all of the UK. 

But the miners were having none of that and on March 6th of 1984, they started a 1 year-long strike. They decided that Thatcher could either keep all the mines open, or they would close all of them. 

As I said before, the NUM is no joke and had already gone on strike twice in the previous decade, in 1972 and 1974, which led to the downfall of the Conservative government of the then Prime Minister, Edward Heath. However, Thatcher was not afraid of a challenge and she was determined to succeed where her predecessor had failed. 

"But Ana!" you might be wondering "What does this have to do with the LGBT community?"
I'm so glad you asked my dear reader.

Let's take a look at the way our fellow LGBT Brits were being treated around the same time. 
In the UK homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder from the 50s until 1992. 
In Scotland Same-Sex sexual activities were illegal until 1980 and in Northern Ireland until 1982
And we cannot forget that the AIDS crisis was just starting in the 80s, which drastically increased the cases of discrimination and violence against LGBT citizens. 

After reading all that, I think we can both agree that the 80s were not as fun as it seems in the movies. There are not enough sequins, hairspray, and glitter in the world that can fix this mess. 

But still, how did they become allies? How did a bunch of miners end up in the middle of London's Pride?

It is all thanks to the enormous heart of a young gay lad called Mark Ashton, who could not stand to see another community being as mistreated as his own and decided to do something about it. 

Abril will take the lead in the next post and tell you a bit more about this unlikely and incredible friendship. 

-Ana Crespo 🌻


Join us as we dive into yet another chapter of history, 
This week we will be covering the events behind the ICONIC London's Pride Parade of 1985 in which a bunch of miners decided to join the celebration. 
You might know the pictures, but do you know the story behind them? 

We are going to take a look at UK's recent history to find out how these two communities became allies, the creation of LGSM (you will find out what that is later, no spoilers), and how it was adapted into a film in 2014 by the great Stephen Beresford. 

So relax, get some tea ☕👀 and let's go back in time 40 years.  

If you think you already know about this story, put it to the test with our quiz🤔  



List of links for our research - I n this website, you will find information about the movie: plot, characters, soundtrack, awards, technica...